The 10 Best Female Video Game Characters of 2020

The past year has been a fairly crazy one, and not just in the world of video games, but that doesn't change the fact that there have been a lot of great games released in the last twelve months. With those games also come a lot of great characters. Every year, the bar for female video game characters in particular goes up a little more, which is a great thing, and this year featured a ton of stand-out characters in its line-up.

There were enough awesome female characters this year that it's impossible to fit every worthy contender into a list of ten, but the ten characters listed below are certainly worthy of all the praise they've received. A great female character isn't just "strong"; she's complex, with virtues and flaws and a real personality. In no particular order, check out the ten characters from 2020 who fit the bill as exemplary female video game characters in their own right.

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Dungeons & Dragons: How to Make Likable NPCs

There's one truth that every DM will discover sooner or later in their Dungeons & Dragons campaign: even a full party of adventurers needs other friends. Sometimes, in the midst of all the D&D narrative-building that needs to be done, it's hard to make an NPC that the other players actively want to revisit on a regular basis— but in just a few steps, it can be done.

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